Thursday, October 21, 2010

2010 National Consortium on Health Science Education

Hello from the Twin Cities! National Officers, Nicole and Claire, traveled to Minnesota for the National Health Science Curriculum Conference to share HOSA with health science educators from across the nation.  The conference is designed to bring educators together to share ideas and resources to bring back into their health science classroom.

Nicole and Claire with Dr. Canady
 Nicole and Claire introduced two keynote speakers: Dr. Canady and Mr. Bill Sanders. Dr. Alexa Canady is a scholar, a mentor, and an educator. She is the first African American woman to become a neurosurgeon and her work directly impacts lives every day by healing in the operating room and inspiring many with her story. Bill Sanders plays a significant role in students’ lives as he travels across the nation motivating students to be their best.

Nicole introducing Mr. Sanders
Minnesota HOSA presented a forum for advisors in the state to discuss ways to share ideas, address common challenges, and develop strategies for establishing chapters at the secondary and postsecondary divisions.  Nicole and Claire then presented the workshop, “Operation: HOSA!” The officers facilitated discussion with advisors, health science educators and specialists.  Great discussion was initiated and Nicole and Claire plan to continue the momentum following the conference.

Claire and Nicole with Ms. Mason, health science teacher from Maryland
During the conference, participants raised funds to sponsor a HOSA scholarship. HOSA is grateful to all advisors and educators for donating to the scholarship. The scholarship will be awarded at the 2011 National Leadership Conference in Anaheim, California. To apply:

The National Consortium for Health Science Education was an amazing opportunity to share HOSA with the many professionals in health science education. Nicole and Claire enjoyed traveling to the Midwest and cannot wait to experience the works that escalate from the conference.