At this year’s State Leadership Conference, California HOSA was definitely ‘shaking up health care!' Over 1,600 exceptional HOSA members traveled from all across the state to beautiful downtown Sacramento for the opportunity to compete, attend workshops, network, meet with state legislators, and much more.
Attendees arrived Wednesday evening and Thursday morning to begin the conference excitement at the Hyatt Regency Convention Center. Among them was Nicole Scott, National Region 1 Vice President, who was honored to also be attending the conference and to be surrounded by such dedicated, professional, passionate HOSA students. Registration was followed by a busy day of meetings, trainings, orientations, competition testing, and legislative activities.
Regional meetings took place just before opening session and were filled with excitement. State officers informed each region about conference details and taught specific regional chants so that they could show off their enthusiasm at the general sessions. The 5 regions were then led into the opening session in unified groups complete with decorative chapter signs and booming cheers. Everyone was proud to show their HOSA spirit.
The opening session kicked off a great conference with wonderful speakers, supporters, and a welcoming state officer team. The evening also marked the beginning of the state officer candidacy process for the upcoming year. 14 dynamic young leaders prepared for their test and interview the following day.

Friday morning, and each morning thereafter, began with an exercise initiative where everyone was welcome to join in for a walk/jog around the Capitol Building. This was a great way to get pumped for the busy day while leading a healthier lifestyle and addressing the concerns of the U.S. Surgeon General and First Lady. Also that morning were the President’s Breakfast, Cal-HOSA partners meet and greet, and the beginning of competitions.
Later on, the business session provided an opportunity for chapter representatives to meet the state officer candidates, listen to annual reports, and review voting decisions for the upcoming year. Fabulous candidate speeches and really engaged delegates made for a very successful meeting. As the afternoon concluded, there was also an alumni session and the Cal-HOSA showcase.
The Cal-HOSA Extravaganza was a great way to shake up the conference social event. Not only did the event raise over $1,200 for Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF), but it was also a unique and exciting way to showcase the amazing talents of HOSA members.
The entire experience was truly breath taking. The animated state officer hosts, the dedicated performers, and the funds raised for JDRF made the extravaganza an unforgettable moment in Cal-HOSA history. Check out a video at:
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The Cal-HOSA Extravaganza was a great way to shake up the conference social event. Not only did the event raise over $1,200 for Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF), but it was also a unique and exciting way to showcase the amazing talents of HOSA members.
The entire experience was truly breath taking. The animated state officer hosts, the dedicated performers, and the funds raised for JDRF made the extravaganza an unforgettable moment in Cal-HOSA history. Check out a video at:
Saturday was a day packed with more competitions, fun and educational workshops, meetings, VIP sessions, and business session voting. It also marked the moment that all hardworking HOSA members look forward to…the Grand Awards Ceremony.
An advisors breakfast was held Sunday morning to recap the SLC and prepare for the upcoming events, such as the NLC.
Everyone did a phenomenal job and congratulations to all competitive event winners. Looking forward to seeing you, in your home state, in Anaheim, California for the National Leadership Conference this June!
*Be sure to follow Cal-HOSA on facebook!*