Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Day III Pilot Internship at the Office of the Surgeon General: August 9-13


Nicole and Nzuekoh beside a bust of Hubert Humphrey in the Health and Human Services Headquarters

The experience became even more exciting as Nzuekoh and Nicole ventured into Washington D.C. Upon entering the venue, they were struck with the impressive display of portraits of distinguished leaders from the past Secretaries of Health and Human Services. The Department of Health and Human Services is dedicated to helping Americans lead healthy lives. The Office of Public Health and Science, which includes the Office of the Surgeon General, is in the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

Ms. Sheila admires the wall of portraits and biographies of previous Secretaries of Health and Human Services

Nzuekoh and Nicole first had the pleasure of meeting with Marko Mijic, a HOSA alumnus working in the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE) within HHS. Marko is a former National HOSA Region Vice President and was able to give Nzuekoh and Nicole valuable insight into discovering one's destined career path, the workings of ASPE, and the potential of the HOSA alumni network.

LCDR Monahan, Nzuekoh, Nicole, and Ms. Sheila in the SOC

 One of the highlights of the day was a tour of the Secretary's Operation Center (SOC). The SOC is the source of command and control through specialized technology, information collection and assessment, and communications that is crucial to HHS. Staffed 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, the SOC is absolutely essential for emergency response. The SOC has been toured by the most distinguished personnel, from the president to top news anchors. Nzuekoh and Nicole were ecstatic to have such a rare opportunity.

Nicole, RADM Rutstein, Nzuekoh, and Ms. Sheila
in the Surgeon General's HHS office
Ms. Sheila, Nzuekoh, and Nicole met with many other dignitaries including the Acting Director of the Office of Science and Communications, Dr. Mary Beth Bigley, and the Acting Deputy Surgeon General,  Rear Admiral David Rutstein. They also had the pleasure of meeting with LTJG Michael Bowens and LT La Keisha Jones, Special Assistants to the Office of the Surgeon General, and realized the incredible workload that the office takes on daily.

Nzuekoh and Nicole then moved on to Capitol Hill, where they met with the legislative assistants of U.S senators and representatives. Along with Senor Legislative Fellow Meredith Scaggs, they visited the offices of Congressman Paul Ryan, Congressman Rúben Hinojosa, Congresswoman Ann Kirkpatrick, Congressman Pete Sessions, and Senator John Coryn. They spoke about HOSA, the internship at the Office of the Surgeon General, and support for the health education bill, HR2946. The two national officers were pleasantly surprised by the widespread awareness of HOSA and the need for healthcare professionals. Nzuekoh and Nicole left feeling empowered by the spirit of D.C and the knowledge that they have the ability to make a significant difference. 

Nzuekoh outside of Representative Ryan's Office

Nicole outside of Representative Kirkpatrick's Office

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