Monday, September 13, 2010

2010 Washington Leadership Academy Day 3

     Rich in history and beauty, our nation's Capitol Building houses the legislative branch of U.S. government. HOSA members went on a guided tour emphasizing some of the historical moments, intricate artwork, and other interesting parts of the Capitol.

    HOSA's Leadership University continued as members and advisors attended a special conference at the Eisenhower Executive Office Building of the White House.  HOSA attendees had the amazing opportunity to meet a number of inspiring and influential leaders in D.C. HOSA was joined by:

George Sifakis, Axela Government Relations

Captain Robert Tosatto, Director of the Office of the Civilian Volunteer Medical Reserve Corps in the Office of the Surgeon General

Lieutenant Skip Payne, Program Officer in the Office of the Civilian Volunteer Medical Reserve Corps in the Office of the Surgeon General

Dr. Glenn Cummings, Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Office of Vocational & Adult Education

Paul Monteiro, Associative Director for the White House Office of Public Engagement

Congressman Louis Stokes

Paul Monteiro

Ms. Sheila Carlton and Congressman Louis Stokes

The delegation was honored to hear from such knowledgeable and passionate advocators for Career and Technical Education, as well as, for HOSA.
Captain Tosatto

     The excitement continued as our HOSA members traveled to Arlington National Cemetery. For the second year in a row, members have had the privilege of attending a special HOSA wreath laying ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. This year, President Claire Lucas and President-Elect Sean Sheffer had the rare opportunity to place a wreath in recognition of the ultimate price paid for freedom. The time-honored changing of the guard was powerful and emotionally demanding. Overall, words cannot adequately capture the gravity of the experience.

     The day ended with a final teambuilding lesson, graduation, and inspirational thinkback video by HOSA University. This truly brought HOSA leaders from around the nation together for heartfelt reflection on the time spent together. In the words of the video:  “enjoy your friends, be a team player, be an original you, find a friend, smile, be flexible, create something, make time to relax, keep going…”
These messages capture the spark of HOSA enthusiasm and describe the vibrancy for the upcoming year and years to follow.

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