National Officers, Nicole Scott and Claire Lucas joined Past HOSA Inc. Board Chair Nancy Allen in Washington, D.C. The three were joined by national and state officers from the eight other Career and Technical Student Organizations like(BPA, FFA, SkillsUSA, DECA, etc.). As HOSA is the largest student organization for health care, there was a lot to say about how HOSA is impacting the future.
Assistant Secretary Dann-Messier was appointed by President Obama to her position in the US Department of Education to initiate efforts for career and technical education. The Assistant Secretary was eager to hear from students how they became involved in their CTSO and how it influenced their education and plans for the future.
Nicole, Claire, and Mrs. Allen had no problems expressing how HOSA changed their lives. Nicole who is a double major in Biochemistry and Global Health at Arizona State University attributes her success today to the leadership opportunities in HOSA. She explained how the HOSA Internship in the Office of the Surgeon General opened her eyes to a new field of medicine - global health. Because of HOSA, Nicole has the resources and direction to pursue her M.D. and wishes to practice medicine in undeserved populations.
Claire told her story about the challenges she faced when she entered high school. She was not interested in planning her future until she took her first health science class. Lucas knew what she was good at and what she loved to do, but she did not know how to incorporate the two into her future. In the classroom she was immediately drawn to medical math and learning about how the human body worked. By participating in HOSA's Competitive Events program, she was able to gain real life experience by shadowing health professionals in the hospital setting. It was then that she decide she wanted to become an engineer and work to make hospital practices more efficient. Claire thanked HOSA for the opportunities to learn inside the classroom and to apply it through workplace experiences.
Overall, the three were grateful for the opportunity to represent HOSA at such an important meeting. It is clear, that when a student is involved in HOSA, or any CTSO, their future is destined to be successful.
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Sunday, April 24, 2011
California HOSA State Leadership Conference
At this year’s State Leadership Conference, California HOSA was definitely ‘shaking up health care!' Over 1,600 exceptional HOSA members traveled from all across the state to beautiful downtown Sacramento for the opportunity to compete, attend workshops, network, meet with state legislators, and much more.
Attendees arrived Wednesday evening and Thursday morning to begin the conference excitement at the Hyatt Regency Convention Center. Among them was Nicole Scott, National Region 1 Vice President, who was honored to also be attending the conference and to be surrounded by such dedicated, professional, passionate HOSA students. Registration was followed by a busy day of meetings, trainings, orientations, competition testing, and legislative activities.
Regional meetings took place just before opening session and were filled with excitement. State officers informed each region about conference details and taught specific regional chants so that they could show off their enthusiasm at the general sessions. The 5 regions were then led into the opening session in unified groups complete with decorative chapter signs and booming cheers. Everyone was proud to show their HOSA spirit.
The opening session kicked off a great conference with wonderful speakers, supporters, and a welcoming state officer team. The evening also marked the beginning of the state officer candidacy process for the upcoming year. 14 dynamic young leaders prepared for their test and interview the following day.

Friday morning, and each morning thereafter, began with an exercise initiative where everyone was welcome to join in for a walk/jog around the Capitol Building. This was a great way to get pumped for the busy day while leading a healthier lifestyle and addressing the concerns of the U.S. Surgeon General and First Lady. Also that morning were the President’s Breakfast, Cal-HOSA partners meet and greet, and the beginning of competitions.
Later on, the business session provided an opportunity for chapter representatives to meet the state officer candidates, listen to annual reports, and review voting decisions for the upcoming year. Fabulous candidate speeches and really engaged delegates made for a very successful meeting. As the afternoon concluded, there was also an alumni session and the Cal-HOSA showcase.
The Cal-HOSA Extravaganza was a great way to shake up the conference social event. Not only did the event raise over $1,200 for Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF), but it was also a unique and exciting way to showcase the amazing talents of HOSA members.
The entire experience was truly breath taking. The animated state officer hosts, the dedicated performers, and the funds raised for JDRF made the extravaganza an unforgettable moment in Cal-HOSA history. Check out a video at:
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The Cal-HOSA Extravaganza was a great way to shake up the conference social event. Not only did the event raise over $1,200 for Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF), but it was also a unique and exciting way to showcase the amazing talents of HOSA members.
The entire experience was truly breath taking. The animated state officer hosts, the dedicated performers, and the funds raised for JDRF made the extravaganza an unforgettable moment in Cal-HOSA history. Check out a video at:
Saturday was a day packed with more competitions, fun and educational workshops, meetings, VIP sessions, and business session voting. It also marked the moment that all hardworking HOSA members look forward to…the Grand Awards Ceremony.
An advisors breakfast was held Sunday morning to recap the SLC and prepare for the upcoming events, such as the NLC.
Everyone did a phenomenal job and congratulations to all competitive event winners. Looking forward to seeing you, in your home state, in Anaheim, California for the National Leadership Conference this June!
*Be sure to follow Cal-HOSA on facebook!*
Indiana State Leadership Conference
The Indiana State Leadership Conference was held at the Wyndham Hotel in Indianapolis Indiana.Rahma Mkuu, had the wonderful opportunity of sharing the Indiana SLC experience with the members.
The State officers worked very hard to ensure that the conference would run smoothly and that for the members this would be the best SLC ever!!!
As the state officers prepared for the Indiana State Leadership conference, there is one alumni member who was there with them. They have nicknamed him “the alumni member.” Not only is the Indiana state advisor a former HOSA member his right hand man is too.
Members had the opportunity be motivated by Mr. Ben Glenn.Mr. Glenn inspired members by sharing his story of living with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder. He showcased his extraordinary talent of art by drawing on the canvas on the left in less than 13 minutes. His message focused on inspiring members to never give up when facing hard times. His ability to use humor and relate to the audience was amazing. After his speech, members gained a very inspiring lesson and knew that no matter what the obstacles may be that they are now facing or will face in the future, they can still be successful with perseverance and had work.

Rahma arrived early to the conference and helped the state officers with preparations for the conference.
Questions with “The Alumni Member”
Name: David Guffey
Name: David Guffey
When were you a HOSA Member? I was a member between 1986-1995.
As a member what were leadership positions? I served in many chapter offices, my last office was the opportunity to serve as the National Central Region Vice President Post Secondary Collegiate.
What events did you compete in? I competed in Medical Terminology and Dental Terminology.
What made you join HOSA? I wanted to become a doctor and discovered a health career class. My teacher so my potential and encouraged me to join HOSA. Through HOSA I was able to gain leadership skills, learn and develop as a future health professional.
What did you study and what do you do now? I studied Biology and I work at Roche Diagnostics. I am involved with research that involves invitro diagnostics. I hope to get the company involved with HOSA soon.
What advice would you give current members? I would encourage them to get active and explore HOSA’s full potential by being involved in leadership positions and volunteering.
You are spending a whole week to help make the Indiana State Conference a success.
What keeps you motivated? Wanting to help students and members. I want to help them and give them the same experience or even better than I had. My love for the organization keeps me coming back.
What keeps you motivated? Wanting to help students and members. I want to help them and give them the same experience or even better than I had. My love for the organization keeps me coming back.
What is your favorite HOSA memory?
I have too many, when I ran for state office the state president at the time gave me her pin and said good luck, also winning my competitive events and getting the opportunity to be on the National Executive Board. I still have my metals, pins and certificates.
State Officer Candidates mingle with current officers |
As members arrived, the hotel became alive. Indiana HOSA's first item of business was the candidates for 2011-2012 state offices. The state officer candidates took the state officer candidate exam, were interviewed and gave speeches. The candidates also prepared amazing 30 sec advertisements for members.
Indiana HOSA introduced online testing this year. This was a wonderful way of insuring that members would enjoy the conference by having time to visit the various symposiums and network. As the members arrived you could tell that they had worked hard to get the opportunity to compete at the state level.
Derek Blevins left, is new to HOSA but his love for health care binds him with members, old and new to the organization. He is a senior this year and although this is his first year as a HOSA member, he is the president of his chapter. What makes Derek Blevins special is that he has completed over 648 community service hours between August 1st and March 23rd. When asked what motivates him to volunteer, he explains that volunteering helps him get better at his skills as well as gives him the opportunity to make other people's work easier. He volunteers at many locations . His main volunteer location though is at his school where he volunteers as a student athletic trainer. He will be attending Ball State University to become an Athletic Trainer and hopes that he will become an Athletic Trainer for the National Collegiate Athletic Association. For him volunteering is an opportunity to help someone else as well as gaining personal knowledge. When asked about his favorite experience volunteering, he shared his experience volunteering for the special Olympics. "I loved to see them smile. Watching them compete at the softball toss was amazing. Two inches is like a mile for them and a big accomplishment." When asked how he balances, school, work , friends and volunteering his main advice was time management. "You just have to work with what you have. On weekends for example's I start very early. By the time everyone is waking up, I have been up for a while and completed almost all my tasks." He also talked about networking with friends and peers who are interested in healthcare while volunteering. His advice to fellow HOSA members, "In this profession, we have to learn to help others. Volunteering will help you learn to help others and you will learn form the experience."
Members Participate in HOSA University |
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Members Network with Exhibitors |
Members at the Jersey Shore Dance |
Congratulations to all members who attended SLC. Looking forward to seeing you at the National Leadership Conference!
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Arizona SLC
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Nicole and Claire arrive at the AZ HOSA SLC |
Arizona HOSA was ‘celebrating a century of care’ at this year’s State Leadership Conference! Nearly 1,200 exceptional HOSA members traveled from all across the state to the Doubletree Hotel and Convention Center in beautiful Tucson for the opportunity to compete, attend workshops, network, show off their HOSA spirit, and much more.
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Members from EVIT HOSA |
Attendees arrived Wednesday, April 13th to begin the conference excitement. Honored to be attending on behalf of National HOSA were Claire Lucas and Nicole Scott. It was truly amazing to be surrounded by so many dedicated, professional, passionate HOSA students. From the time of arrival, students could be seen diligently studying on every corner.
The opening session kicked off a great conference with wonderful speakers, guests, and an enthusiastic AZHOSA delegation.
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HOSA Hero, Daniel Hernandez |
Thursday morning began with a delicious breakfast and was followed by a busy day of competitions, fun and educational workshops, and a Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) fundraiser.
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Advisors have their picture taken at the JDRF Photobooth |
Thursday concluded with unique and exciting social activities to reward conference attendees for all of their hard work. Not only was there a dance, but there was also sumo wrestling and a hypnotism show by Mike DeShallit.
The business session took place on Friday morning and provided an opportunity for chapter representatives to meet the upcoming state officer candidates, listen to annual reports, and vote on decisions for the upcoming year. The great candidate speeches and very engaged delegates demonstrated the outstanding student leadership in Arizona and made for a very successful meeting. Friday morning also marked the moment that all hardworking HOSA members look forward to…the Grand Awards Ceremony.
The entire conference was a huge success and congratulations to all competitive event winners. Looking forward to seeing Arizona HOSA in Anaheim, California for the National Leadership Conference this June!
Friday, April 8, 2011
Florida State Leadership Conference
The Florida HOSA State Leadership Conference was held in beautiful Jacksonville Florida at the Hyatt hotel. Members from Miami to Pensacola traveled for miles to get to the most anticipated event in Florida HOSA. Rahma Mkuu, attended the conference.
On Thursday March 31th,more than 2,000 members, advisors and guests filled the Hyatt with HOSA spirit.
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Members fill the hall with HOSA spirit |
State officer candidates were first on the order of business. Eighteen qualified candidates were tested on their HOSA knowledge and interviewed for an opportunity to be slated into office.
Rahma Mkuu was on the nominating committee and was very impressed by the high caliber of leadership and professionalism that all candidates exemplified. Below are some of the thoughts of the candidates.
“I would like to dedicate my hard work and strong efforts to all conferences to make members and Florida HOSA achieve the impossible” -Devindra Persad.
“I took the joyful step towards a brighter future when I signed up to be part of HOSA.” -Brandon Hurst.
“If I had to pick a HOSA event or a social function, I would pick HOSA, I can make it up to my friends and family, the HOSA family is way bigger than mine.” -Ericka Kirkpatrick.
"HOSA has taught me job seeking skills, leadership skills, organization and so much more. Now I want to give back. I want to contribute my skills knowledge and experience to Florida HOSA’s successful path.”-Ashley Ivy
It was clear that the candidates deeply cared about HOSA and were dedicated to serving the organization. Congratulations to all the candidates and the newly elected Florida HOSA State leadership Team. HOSA members attended their orientations and took their tests. Members were working as teams to help one another. The courtesy corps members were especially helpful to fellow members by orienting them and guiding them to their competitive events.
The opening ceremony was such an exciting event! Imagine more than 2,000 excited, energetic and enthused members, advisors and guests in one room! The hall was packed with so much energy and the HOSA spirit filled the room. Members were able to hear words of wisdom from Mr. Patrick Grady. The opening session was truly a perfect way to start of an eventful conference.
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Members at the Opening Session |
On, Friday April 1st, the conference begun with an advisors breakfast that was sponsored by the Florida Medical Training Institute, ARMY ROTC and Keiser University. The voting delegates were able to vote for the most qualified candidates as well as the theme for the upcoming year. Not only were members ready to showcase their skills and wow the judges with their competitive events, members also had the opportunity to visit the exhibitors, as well as attend HOSA University 101.
Later during the day, past and present Florida HOSA officers attended the annual Florida HOSA Reception and Reunion. HOSA state officers from as far as ten years ago attended the event. At the event the current officers were honored for their dedication to HOSA.
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Past Florida HOSA officers at the reunion. |
Saturday April 1st was members continued to showcase their talents and skills. Rahma had the opportunity to judge CPR and First AID and was very impressed with the performance of the teams. Frank Berdos, Alissa Conde and Carlos Rodriguez, past national officers also judged events. Frank Berdos judged the Dental Assisting event. Alissa Conde Judged the CPR and First AID event and Carlos Rodriguez helped to manage the middle school events.
HOSA members were awarded later that day at the awards session. Florida HOSA raised at grand total of $13, 445.57 for the national service project. Congratulations to all competitive event winners and Florida HOSA members for your dedication to HOSA and the National Service Project.
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The State Officer team had several fundraisers for the HOSA Foundation scholarship. Among them a “Pie in the face” fundraiser.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
North Carolina HOSA SLC
“NC!” “HOSA!” “NC!” “HOSA!” “NC” “HOSA!” That chant of excitement, enthusiasm, and energy from North Carolina HOSA at past National Leadership Conferences are a constant reminder of just how passionate and lively North Carolina HOSA has been and continues to be. Shayna Mooney and Chase Edwards were witnesses to this passion at full force while in attendance at the 35th annual North Carolina HOSA State Leadership Conference from March 23rd-25th. HOSA members all across the state, from the coastal region to the foot hills to the mountains, all converged in Greensboro at the Koury Convention Center for the 2011 NC HOSA SLC. One could feel the excitement and nervousness within the air, as HOSA members had the opportunity to compete against each other for a chance for to represent NC HOSA at Anaheim this summer for the 34th annual HOSA National Leadership Conference.
2010-2011 NC HOSA Executive Council |
The next morning, Chase headed back to Chapel Hill, in order to attend his chemistry lab, while Shayna helped check in advisers and schools at the registration booth. Members also enjoyed a wide selection of Educational Symposiums: Flight Medicine, Organ and Tissue Donation, Robotic Surgery, So You Want to be a Doctor, Biomedical Engineering and Global Health, and much more! In the afternoon, Shayna assisted in running the HOSA store. She enjoyed interacting with members and advisers from across the state.
Peyton Holland |
Later that evening, Shayna and Chase attended the opening session, where more than 2,300 HOSA members sat in attendance. The NC HOSA Executive Council did a phenomenal job opening the session with the theme of Mission: HOSA, as this was a sort of way for HOSA members to fully experience what HOSA is all about throughout the conference. NC HOSA chapters were honored to receive several awards for holding blood drives from The American Red Cross, REX Blood Services, Blood Donor Center of Cape Fear Valley, and Community Blood Center of the Carolinas. A representative from JDRF also awarded chapters who participated in the National Service Project with plaques. Peyton Holland, motivational speaker from EPIC Leadership and NC Skills U.S.A. state advisor, graced NC HOSA with an inspirational speech about the desire and will power to accomplish your dreams. His main message was, “If you don’t dream, you don’t have anything to work for.” The opening session ended with a phenomenal a cappella performance by the University of North Carolina at Greensboro Spartones to pump up NC HOSA for the rest of the conference.
Business Session |
Friday marked the final day of competitive events for NC HOSA members; their last chance to strive for an opportunity to attend the NLC in Anaheim. Shayna and Chase had the opportunity to judge the HOSA Chapter Newsletter event. They truly enjoyed reading about the amazing things NC HOSA chapters accomplished throughout the year. Members also enjoyed attending the Health Careers Expo. The Business Session was held in the afternoon to elect the 2011-2012 NC HOSA Executive Council and to select a theme to send to National HOSA. The state office candidates gave speeches and answered “fish bowl” questions; voting immediately followed.
In the evening, NC HOSA members buzzed with excitement and nervousness at the Grand Awards Session. The NC HOSA State Officers showed their year in review videos and the 2011-2012 NC HOSA Executive Council was installed. Shayna and Chase had the privilege of swearing them into office. To conclude the session, Shayna and Chase brought greetings on behalf of the National Executive Council and invited NC HOSA to the National Leadership Conference in Anaheim this June.
Grand Awards Session |
Shayna and Chase would like to give a special thank you to the NC HOSA advisor, Mrs. Edie Stewart, the state officers, Mrs. Faye Cress, and the conference staff for such a wonderful experience. See you in Anaheim!
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Greetings from the beautiful Palace Station in Las Vegas Nevada! Sean Sheffer was able to attend his home state and city to give greetings and support on behalf of the national executive council.
On Wednesday, March 23rd, the state officers prepared to amass Nevada HOSA's 4th annual State Leadership Conference.
Early on Thursday, March 24th, the conference kicked off to a strong start with workshop presentations by Nevada's very own state officers. Miranda Terell, led her "Destination: All About Leadership" workshop and later in the day, Tazia and Sera presented their "Look The Look, Walk The Walk, and Talk The Talk" seminar. HOSA members yells of excitement and fun laughs could be heard throughout the halls as the officers jolted the conference into a swinging start.
During the day the members prepared for their competitive event testing, all while visiting educational symposiums, "Tobacco, Find Out the Truth!," presented by Dr. Sher Todd. Sean was able to give a brief workshop, "Believe It To See It," where students learned how important believing in something really is.
In a flurry of Courtesy Corp, Nominating Committee, and Competitive Event meetings, Nevada HOSA joined together to take their state picture, all with the beauty of the city in the background.
During Opening Session, the chapters cheered as Tazia called on the chapters, and the presentation began!
Marcus Engel, an acclaimed speaker and author, gave the keynote. As a college freshman, Marcus Engel was blinded and nearly killed by a drunk driver. Through his years of healing and sacrifice, he gave his audience a speech to remember and more so, a look through the world in his eyes.
The officers closed the ceremony and session with a complete reflection of what it is to be a health care professional, and what it means to be someone who is selfless, passioned, and ready to make a difference. Are you ready "EXPERIENCE HOSA"?
The next day proceeded with competitive events and educational symposiums at the College of Southern Nevada Campus. HOSA members received first hand experience in Phlebotomy Skills, EMT skills, pharmacology, suturing and anatomy through the always lovable clay!
The HOSA Showcase opened up, where students working on their Health Posters surprised the crowds with their medical knowledge, and their artful creations!
After the day of competition concluded, students enjoyed the chapter night out in Vegas!
On Wednesday, March 23rd, the state officers prepared to amass Nevada HOSA's 4th annual State Leadership Conference.
Miranda Terrell, Anthony Garcia, Jeannica Sacasas, Sera Choi, and Tazia Statucki 2nd Vice President, President, Post-Secondary Vice President, 1st Vice President, and Secretary |
Palace Station in Las Vegas, NV |
Early on Thursday, March 24th, the conference kicked off to a strong start with workshop presentations by Nevada's very own state officers. Miranda Terell, led her "Destination: All About Leadership" workshop and later in the day, Tazia and Sera presented their "Look The Look, Walk The Walk, and Talk The Talk" seminar. HOSA members yells of excitement and fun laughs could be heard throughout the halls as the officers jolted the conference into a swinging start.
During the day the members prepared for their competitive event testing, all while visiting educational symposiums, "Tobacco, Find Out the Truth!," presented by Dr. Sher Todd. Sean was able to give a brief workshop, "Believe It To See It," where students learned how important believing in something really is.
In a flurry of Courtesy Corp, Nominating Committee, and Competitive Event meetings, Nevada HOSA joined together to take their state picture, all with the beauty of the city in the background.
During Opening Session, the chapters cheered as Tazia called on the chapters, and the presentation began!
Marcus Engel with seeing eye dog, Garrett |
The next day proceeded with competitive events and educational symposiums at the College of Southern Nevada Campus. HOSA members received first hand experience in Phlebotomy Skills, EMT skills, pharmacology, suturing and anatomy through the always lovable clay!
Shelly Kinnunen presenting "What is Anatomy in Clay?" |
Two of the many career heath display posters, as presented in the showcase. |
On Saturday, the conference concluded with the Awards Ceremony, Year in review slideshow, and the installation of new state officers. The state officers gave their final addresses to the crowd, and began the inception of the future of Nevada HOSA.
Schools rejoiced in reflection of the days before and ahead, and Nevada HOSA continues to grow strong in their journey to Anaheim!
Congratulations to all who helped make the conference a glorious success!
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