Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Greetings from the beautiful Palace Station in Las Vegas Nevada! Sean Sheffer was able to attend his home state and city to give greetings and support on behalf of the national executive council.

On Wednesday, March 23rd, the state officers prepared to amass Nevada HOSA's 4th annual State Leadership Conference.
Miranda Terrell, Anthony Garcia, Jeannica Sacasas, Sera Choi, and  Tazia Statucki
2nd Vice President, President, Post-Secondary Vice President, 1st Vice President, and Secretary

Palace Station in Las Vegas, NV

Early on Thursday, March 24th, the conference kicked off to a strong start with workshop presentations by Nevada's very own state officers. Miranda Terell, led her "Destination: All About Leadership" workshop and later in the day, Tazia and Sera presented their "Look The Look, Walk The Walk, and Talk The Talk" seminar. HOSA members yells of excitement and fun laughs could be heard throughout the halls as the officers jolted the conference into a swinging start.

During the day the members prepared for their competitive event testing, all while visiting educational symposiums, "Tobacco, Find Out the Truth!," presented by Dr. Sher Todd. Sean was able to give a brief workshop, "Believe It To See It," where students learned how important believing in something really is.

In a flurry of Courtesy Corp, Nominating Committee, and Competitive Event meetings, Nevada HOSA joined together to take their state picture, all with the beauty of the city in the background.

During Opening Session, the chapters cheered as Tazia called on the chapters, and the presentation began!

Marcus Engel with
 seeing eye dog, Garrett
Marcus Engel, an acclaimed speaker and author, gave the keynote. As a college freshman, Marcus Engel was blinded and nearly killed by a drunk driver. Through his years of healing and sacrifice, he gave his audience a speech to remember and more so, a look through the world in his eyes.

The officers closed the ceremony and session with a complete reflection of what it is to be a health care professional, and what it means to be someone who is selfless, passioned, and ready to make a difference. Are you ready "EXPERIENCE HOSA"?

The next day proceeded with competitive events and educational symposiums at the College of Southern Nevada Campus. HOSA members received first hand experience in Phlebotomy Skills, EMT skills, pharmacology, suturing and anatomy through the always lovable clay!
Shelly Kinnunen presenting
"What is Anatomy in Clay?"
The HOSA Showcase opened up, where students working on their Health Posters surprised the crowds with their medical knowledge, and their artful creations!

Two of the many career heath display posters, as presented in the showcase.
After the day of competition concluded, students enjoyed the chapter night out in Vegas!

On Saturday, the conference concluded with the Awards Ceremony, Year in review slideshow, and the installation of new state officers. The state officers gave their final addresses to the crowd, and began the inception of the future of Nevada HOSA. 

Schools rejoiced in reflection of the days before and ahead, and Nevada HOSA continues to grow strong in their journey to Anaheim!

Congratulations to all who helped make the conference a glorious success!


  1. omg did the obstetrician win? its really good.

  2. Do you happen to have a dietician health display picture?
    I remember having our picture taken, but I forgot to ask for a copy. Now we don't have a picture to look back to. ):
    So if you happen to have our picture (dietician display) I would really appreciate it if I can have a copy! Thanks!

  3. Sorry I only took a few pictures of the displays, and unfortunately not the Dietician display.
